18 May 2016

Pyriatyn Cheese Plant, Yagotynsky butter Plant and the plant Yagotynske for Children confirmed permission to export its products to the countries of the Arab-Muslim world.

Certificates issued by Alraid Halal Certification and Research Center enable Muslims all over the world to eat all products of brands Piryatin, Yagotynske and Yagotynske for Сhildren.

One of the most important eligibility criteria of dairy products to Islamic canonical norms is absence of the lactic ferment of animal origin (“abomasum”). As far as lactic ferment of microbial origin only is used in the manufacturing process of products under the brands Pyriatyn, Yagotynske and Yagotynske for Children, enterprises of Milk Alliance received earlier the Halal certificate and have confirmed it now.

To obtain such certificate, a Ukrainian manufacturing company must meet a number of requirements, including: possessing of appropriate licenses issued by the Ministry of Health, and demonstration of complete transparency in food production. Furthermore, the Halal standards control and observance Committee must have the possibility to visit the enterprises production facilities freely and any time to confirm the absence of controversy to the rules of Islamic law regarding food production.