«Yagotynska» ryazhanka from the stove
15 June 2011
Not only ordinary Ukrainians but also famous ones like TM «Yagotynske» new products that are produced according to traditional Ukrainian recipes. Bohdan Beniuk, for instance, with pleasure starts his day with «Yagotynske» sour clotted milk and finishes it with «Yagotynska» ryazhanka from the stove.
«Yagotynska» ryazhanka is made according to traditional recipes with long infusion in the stove. Such method allows getting thick and tasty product. This truly popular way of cooking ryazhanka helps to obtain glossy and dense structure of the product and a unique clean dairy taste without foreign tastes and odors. This method allows to get natural and healthy product.
Primary products used for making ryazhanka meet the requirements of current state standards and sanitary regulations.