Independent examination confirmed absence of antibiotics in the products under TM Yagotynske for Children
19 August 2016
Milk Alliance Group has received the examination results of product samples under TM Yagotynske for Children conducted by two independent laboratories. The findings of both research institutions were identical: children’s dairy products under the trademark Yagotynske for children do not contain antibiotics!
After UNN publication about antibiotics identification in the products under TM Yagotynske for Children, Milk Alliance Group technologists selected and sent for examination following items of children’s dairy food:
- Raspberry and Eglantine Yogurt 2.5% fat, glass bottle 200g.
- Sterilized
Vitamin-Enriched drinking cow milk 3.2% fat, glass bottle 200 g. - Sterilized
Vitamin-Enriched drinking cow milk 3.2% fat, Tetra Pak 500g.
The study was conducted by two independent national laboratories at the same time, accredited with certificate of EU standard. These are Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine in Kiev region at the General Directorate of State Consumer Service and Research Center of products testing at SE “Ukrainian State Research and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumer Protection (“Ukrmetrteststandart”).
I want to emphasize that for the study we also gave samples of products under TM Yagotynske for Children from the same batch from which the public organization “
Both examinations showed that samples do not contain residual amount of the antibiotic Khloramfinekol the minimum required limit for identification! All samples conform to the TU 10.0-34480442-004:2012.
According to the current legislations, children’s dairy food plant “Yagotynske for children”, provides samples of each product for examination to the Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine in Kiev region at the General Directorate of State Consumer Service in the Kiev region on quarterly basis. The examination is compulsory and is conducted by following parameters: the microbiological research on the content of toxic elements, pesticides, mycotoxins, antibiotics, radionuclides. The examination has never detected presence of harmful chemicals in products under TM “Yagotynske for children — the Head of Milk Alliance Supervisory Board Sergei Vovchenko said.
Branch of Yagotynsky Butter-Processing Plant Yagotynske for Children is one of the Ukrainian enterprises, which has passed tough certification by commission of the European Union and obtained the right to export products to the EU countries. We value our reputation, so our priority has always been the principles of natural dairy products manufacturing.