The «Molochny shliah» trade mark, by which Pyryatynsky cheese plant produces cheese, is now called «Pyriatyn»
28 September 2012
In February 2012 the «Molochny shliah» trade mark, which is included in the product portfolio of the «Milk Alliance» holding and is produced at Pyryatinsky cheese plant, was renamed into the brand «Pyriatyn». Such decision was made in order to increase brand awareness among consumers.
The products of Pyryatynsky cheese plant are presented in the mainstream segment of the dairy industry of Ukraine. These products of the high quality do not use vegetable fats, preservatives, and other artificial additives. This fact is confirmed repeatedly by the independent Ukrainian and international experts. A well-developed distribution system «Pyriatyn» cheeses and consumer confidence in its capacity provides the popularity of the brand not only in Ukraine but also in Russia and Kazakhstan.
The trade mark rebranding did not affect on colors and design of products packaging.
The product range of Pyryatynsky cheese plant consists of 17 types of cheese, 8 kinds of packaged cheese and 13 types of processed cheese. In 2011, the market share of Pyryatynsky cheese plant among other producers of cheese in Ukraine was 7.4%.