Glass bottle of Yagotynske for Children: safety and naturallness
22 September 2015
Recent research of parental audience by the German Institute for market and social research Usuma Institut shows that 77% of European mothers prefer baby food in glass packaging.
We are sure that Ukrainian mothers have the same preferences, as bottles for packaging of baby food of Yagotynske for Children produced by the Vetropack plant in Hostomel are light-weight and safe. They have a classic design, made according to the Press and Blow technology and weigh only 160 grams. In addition, our bottles are not reused, the products sold in them only once. Such packaging has many advantages. Glass bottles are ideal for packaging natural and nutritious products such as milk, because glass is safe and environmentally friendly form of packaging. It is hygienic, airtight, inert, and retains the taste. An additional advantage is a sealed screw cap, which guarantees ease of use: easy to open and tightly close the bottle to keep dairy products fresh and healthy.
High quality dairy products of Yagotynske for Children, together with a glass bottle, are designed exclusively for children and their parents. The product takes into account the child's needs in proteins, calcium and vitamins A, D, E. The glass, in turn, serve as the most safe form of packaging that preserves all the useful properties of the product.