Enterprises of «Milk Alliance» win Quality Tasting Competition
4 July 2013
The National Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine holds an annual event aimed at identifying the best quality products produced by enterprises of the dairy industry of Ukraine. The products have been evaluated by specially created Central Branch tasting commission, which includes experts of dairy production segment, responsible representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Standard and other organizations. The main objective of the Commission is the assessment of the quality of new types of dairy products while developing technical documents and the launch of new products.
This year the competition was held in May. Leading dairy companies and factories of Ukraine — JSC «Milk Alliance», Company «Milkiland-Ukraine», JSC «Shostkinsky Dairy Plant», PJSC «Dubnomoloko», JSC «Sumy City Dairy Plant» and others took part in the competition.
The winners were announced according to the results of the Quality Tasting Competition by the Central Committee. Products of JSC «Milk Alliance» won six medals and diplomas:
- PJSC «Pyriatynsky cheese plant» for hard cheese «Parmental» (TM «Pyriatyn»);
- PJSC «Zolotonisky Butter plant» for hard cheese «Horihovij» with fenugreek and walnut flavor (TM «Zlatokraj»);
- PJSC «Bashtansky cheese plant» for the semi-hard cheese «Grazia» (TM «Slavia»);
- Branch of PJSC «Yagotynsky butter plant» «Yagotynske for children» for cow’s milk (TM «Yagotynske for children»);
- Branch of PJSC «Yagotynsky butter plant» «Yagotynske for children» for yogurt «Raspberry-briar» and enriched kefir (TM «Yagotynske for children»);
- Branch of PJSC «Yagotynsky butter plant» «Yagotynske for Children» for the cottage cheese (TM «Yagotynske for children»)
We congratulate employees of plants and wish them inspiration and future accomplishments.