Yagotynske Cottage Cheese redesigned
7 December 2015
Brand Yagotynske gradually changes the outfit of its products, leaving the packaging clean with bright colors and distinctive dairy wave. No exception for cottage cheese, where the colors were distributed depending on the fat content of the product. Bright red color of the packaging now matches cottage cheese with fat content of 9.5%, light blue is for cottage cheese 5% fat, and light turquoise for fat-free.
Redesign have affected all Yagotynske Cottage Cheese (clean and with fillers) in Ecolean packaging, as well as Homemade-Style product in plastic jars and Doy-Pack.
Bright and vibrant colors of the new packaging represent purity and natural origin of the Yagotynske brand. The main objective of the redesign is to make the products simpler, clearer, more noticeable on the shelf.