4 December 2011

Bashtansky cheese plant up-to-date wastewater treatment facilities building and biogas production – is a new and unique project realized at Bashtansky cheese plant. Dairy plants’ wastewater does not meet sewage requirements. It is strong and highly concentrated and cause irreparable damage to nature and water. The project was developed, patented and implemented by the Ukrainian technological company (UTC) during 2010-2011 years. The term of the project’s recoupment is 2-5 years.

The efficiency level of Bashtansky cheese plant wastewater treatment facilities surpassed necessary legislative requirements.

Firstly, maximum biogas output of the wastewater treatment facilities is 300 m3 per hour, which is equal to 200 m3 per hour of natural gas. Bashtansky cheese plant gets 4 800 m3 of biogas per day, which is similar to total amount of biogas that the plant buys. Secondly, there are 5 people working on the wastewater treatment facilities of Bashtansky cheese plant altogether: 4 operators and a supervisor. Thirdly, Bashtansky cheese plant wastewater treatment facilities are unique and the only ones amount all dairy plants of Ukraine.

The technology of wastewater treatment ensures:

  • Solving environmental problems of the region reducing the level of organic contaminations in waste water by 97-98%.
  • Substantial costs saving by replacing the amount of natural gas the plant uses for its needs for biogas.
  • Substantial reducing the plant’s payments for waste water.
  • Using obtained filter cake (organic fertilizers) in agriculture

But because of the lack of experience in implementation of such projects in Ukraine some difficulties appeared with:

  • water supply and spillway (strict legislative requirements do not assume innovative methods in solving problems, which drags out the process of project implementation);
  • documentation approval by the bodies of state power.

While wastewater treatment facilities launching and setting-up a range of technological problems appeared. Some of them are: waste water changeable composition, system overload by mineral pollution, system overload by waste water insolubles etc.