Yagotynske for children

In late 2012, by launching a new brand for the young Ukrainians, Group of Enterprises Milk Alliance decided to bring to market a truly perfect baby milk brand — high-quality, useful, easy to use, tailored to the needs of kids and their parents. Since then we adhere to the chosen strategy, and consumers thank us confidence, which is reflected in market indicators. Thus, for only three years after launch, Yagotynske for Children has become the undisputed leader in its category with a market share of 40%.

Tasty and healthy Yagotynske for Children dairy products for kids aged from 6 months to 3 years are produced on a new, unique and the only in Ukraine separately built specialized plant of baby milk food. It is located in an ecologically clean area of Kiev region, near the Zgurivka arboretum. The plant is equipped with modern equipment of the closed cycle, which eliminates direct contact of human hands with the products during production process.

For the production of Yagotynske for Children dairy products only natural farmer’s high quality milk and natural fruit, vegetable and berry fillers are used. The process of manufacture prevents the addition of any preservatives, synthetic dyes, antibiotics and other harmful food additives. Products with fillers contain no sugar, only natural fructose used as a sweetener. And, of course, all raw materials undergo strict multi-stage quality control when taken to the factory. Each batch of finished product is also subject to the quality control.

Brand website


Cottage cheese strolls through the factory
Dairy porridges
Yagotynske for children